(*                                                              *)
(*         Gardens Point Modula-2 Library Definition            *)
(*                                                              *)
(*                                                              *)
(*     (c) Copyright 1996 Faculty of Information Technology     *)
(*              Queensland University of Technology             *)
(*                                                              *)
(*     Permission is granted to use, copy and change this       *)
(*     program as long as the copyright message is left intact  *)
(*                                                              *)


  TYPE ArgPtr; (* ==> "pointer to array of strings" in UNIX  *)

  (* The first set of procedures are simple & efficient and
     have several restrictions to their use. However, they
     suffice for most purposes, when used as shown below.

  PROCEDURE Arg1(a1 : ARRAY OF CHAR) : ArgPtr;
  PROCEDURE Arg2(a1, a2 : ARRAY OF CHAR) : ArgPtr;
  PROCEDURE Arg3(a1, a2, a3 : ARRAY OF CHAR) : ArgPtr;
  PROCEDURE Arg4(a1, a2, a3, a4 : ARRAY OF CHAR) : ArgPtr;
     preconditions : a's may be literals or variable arrays.
     These procedures safely copy array parameters into a
     dynamically allocated block, adding NUL termination if
     necessary. Actual param variables may thus be reused.

     usage example:
        FROM BuildArgs IMPORT Arg3;
        FROM UxProcesses IMPORT Execp; (* execs from $PATH *)
          VAR cmd, fNm : ARRAY [0 .. 39] OF CHAR;
          Execp("foo", Arg3("foo", cmd, fNm));
          Error("Can't exec 'foo'");

     The next set of procedures allow argument blocks of any
     size to be built, and allow for explicit reclaiming of
     memory space from used blocks, where that is necessary.
     These procedures safely copy array parameters into a
     dynamically allocated block, adding NUL termination if
     necessary. Actual param variables may thus be reused.

  TYPE ArgBlock; (* args + builder state information *)

  PROCEDURE NewArgBlock(VAR b : ArgBlock; max : CARDINAL);
  (* postcondition : buffer space for max args is allocated
                     and the block state is initialized

  PROCEDURE DisposeArgBlock(VAR b : ArgBlock);
  (* postcondition : buffer space is reclaimed, b is NIL *)

  PROCEDURE AppendArg(b : ArgBlock; a : ARRAY OF CHAR);
  (* precondition  : b has been initialized by NewArgBlock;
                     is not fully occupied; 
     postcondition : the block designated by b is updated so
                     that a is its final argument. On block
                     overflow an index error is raised

  PROCEDURE ArgsOf(b : ArgBlock) : ArgPtr;
     extracts the args from the valid ArgBlock buffers

     usage example:
        WHILE condition DO
          WHILE xxx DO (* build block *)
          Foo(ArgsOf(blk)); (* use block *)
          DisposeArgBlock(blk); (* reclaim space *)

END BuildArgs.