(* Random access files *)

IMPORT IOChan, ChanConsts;
FROM ChanConsts IMPORT ChanFlags;

  ChanId      = IOChan.ChanId;
  FlagSet     = ChanConsts.FlagSet;
  OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults;

(* Accept singleton values of FlagSet *)
  read  = FlagSet{readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *)
  write = FlagSet{writeFlag};(* output operations are requested/available *)
  old   = FlagSet{oldFlag};  (* file may/must/did exist before channel was opened *)
  text  = FlagSet{textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *)
  raw   = FlagSet{rawFlag};  (* raw operations are requested/available *)

PROCEDURE OpenOld (VAR cid   : ChanId;
                       name  : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       flags : FlagSet;
                   VAR res   : OpenResults);
(* Attempts to obtain and open a channel connected to a stored random access file
   The old flag is implied; without the write flag, read is implied;
   without the text flag, raw is implied.
   If successful, assigns to the parameter cid the identity of a channel
   open to a random access file of the given name and assigns the value
   opened to the parameter res.
   The read and/or write position is at the start of the file.
   If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of the parameter
   res indicates the reason and cid identifies the bad channel. *)

PROCEDURE OpenClean (VAR cid   : ChanId;
                         name  : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         flags : FlagSet;
                     VAR res   : OpenResults);
(* Attempts to obtain and open a channel connected to a stored random access file
   The write flag is implied; without the text flag, raw is implied.
   If successful, assigns to the parameter cid the identity of a channel
   open to a random access file of the given name and assigns the value
   opened to the parameter res.
   The file is of zero length.
   If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of the parameter
   res indicates the reason and cid identifies the bad channel. *)

PROCEDURE IsRndFile (cid : ChanId) : BOOLEAN;
(* Tests if the channel is open to a random access file *)

PROCEDURE IsRndFileException () : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution state
   because of the raising of a RndFile exception; otherwise returns FALSE. *)

  FilePosSize = SIZE(CARDINAL);

  FilePos = CARDINAL;  (* ARRAY [1..FilePosSize] OF LOC *)

PROCEDURE StartPos (cid : ChanId) : FilePos;
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, returns the position of the
   start of the file. *)

PROCEDURE CurrentPos (cid : ChanId) : FilePos;
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, returns the current
   read/write position. *)

PROCEDURE EndPos (cid : ChanId) : FilePos;
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, returns the first position at
   or after which there have been no writes. *)

PROCEDURE NewPos (cid       : ChanId;
                  chunks    : INTEGER;
                  chunkSize : CARDINAL;
                  from      : FilePos) : FilePos;
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, returns the position
   chunks*chunkSize relative to the parameter from or raises the
   exception posRange if the required position cannot be represented
   as a value of type FilePos. *)

PROCEDURE SetPos (cid : ChanId;
                  pos : FilePos);
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, sets the read/write position to
   the value given by the parameter pos. *)

PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid : ChanId);
(* If the channel is not open to a random access file, the exception
   wrongDevice is raised. Otherwise, the channel is closed and the value
   identifying the bad channel is assigned to the parameter cid. *)

END RndFile.