(*                                                                     *)
(*            Modula-2 Compiler RealInOut Library Module               *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*          High level input and output procedures for                 *)
(*          REAL numbers. RealInOut will be redirected                 *)
(*          when InOut is redirected.                                  *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*       original module : N. Wirth, PIM-2, 1982                       *)
(*       modifications   :                                             *)
(*                         pms 27 Oct 94 Delete reference to WriteOct  *)
(*                                       Now implemented in Modula2    *)
(*                         jl  April 96  Now implemented using RealStr *)
(*                                                                     *)


      Done : BOOLEAN;

   PROCEDURE ReadReal(VAR x : REAL);
   (* Precondition  : TRUE
    * Postcondition : Done = TRUE if and only if the next sequence 
    *                 of characters represents a REAL value.

   PROCEDURE WriteReal(x : REAL; width : CARDINAL);
   (* Precondition  : x and width are defined.
    * Postcondition : Outputs a REAL value occupying at least width character
    *                 positions with leading blanks as required to make width

END RealInOut.