(*                                                                     *)
(*              Modula-2 Compiler TextInOut Library Module             *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*          High level input and output procedures for                 *)
(*          characters, strings, integers and cardinals                *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*								       *)
(*       original module : N. Wirth, PIM-2,  1982 (InOut)              *)
(*       modifications   : 					       *)
(*                                                                     *)

  IMPORT IMPLEMENTATION FROM "textinout.o & uxfiles.o";

  FROM UxFiles IMPORT File;

           EOL = 12C;        (* End-of-line character *)

           Done : BOOLEAN ;  (* Status of some TextInOut procedure calls.
                                TRUE if the operation was successful,
                                FALSE otherwise. *)

           termCh : CHAR ;   (* Terminating character of some input
                                 procedures. ReadString, ReadInt, ReadCard *)

        PROCEDURE Read(inFile : File; VAR c:CHAR);
        (* Precondition  : TRUE
           Postcondition : Done = FALSE if and only if the end of the primary
                           input stream is reached, otherwise c is the next 
                           character in the stream.  *)

        PROCEDURE ReadString(inFile : File; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR);
        (* Precondition  : TRUE
           Postcondition : Inputs a character string from the primary input
                           stream until any character less than or equal to 
                           a blank is read. The variable termCh is set to the
                           value of this terminating character. 
                           The NUL character (0C) or the end of the array is
                           used to mark the end of the string.
                           Leading blanks and/or tabs are ignored. Excess 
                           characters beyond the length of s are discarded. *)

        PROCEDURE ReadCard(inFile : File; VAR n: CARDINAL);
        (* Precondition  : TRUE
           Postcondition : Done = TRUE if and only if the next sequence of 
                           characters on the input stream represents a
                           CARDINAL value. The variable termCh is set to the
                           value of the character that terminates this 
                           sequence.  *)

        PROCEDURE ReadInt(inFile : File; VAR i : INTEGER);
        (* Precondition  : TRUE
           Postcondition : Done = TRUE if and only if the next sequence of 
                           characters on the input stream represents a
                           INTEGER value. The variable termCh is set to the
                           value of the character that terminates this 
                           sequence.  *)

        PROCEDURE Write(outFile : File; c:CHAR);
        (* Precondition  : c is defined.
           Postcondition : The character representation corresponding to the
                           value of c is written to the output stream.  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteLn(outFile : File); 
        (* Precondition  : TRUE
           Postcondition : Equivalent to Write(EOL).  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteString(outFile : File; s : ARRAY OF CHAR);
        (* Precondition  : s is defined.
           Postcondition : Outputs a string of characters until a NUL character
                           or the end of the array is encountered.  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteCard(outFile : File; n: CARDINAL; w: CARDINAL);
        (* Precondition  : n and w are defined.
           Postcondition : The value of n is written to the output stream
                           occupying at least w character positions. Leading
                           blanks fill out the space if it is not all required.
                           The decimal number system is used.  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteInt(outFile : File; i: INTEGER; w: CARDINAL);
        (* Precondition  : i and w are defined.
           Postcondition : The value of i is written to the output stream
                           occupying at least w character positions. Leading
                           blanks fill out the space if it is not all required.
                           The decimal number system is used and a sign is 
                           displayed only for negative numbers.  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteOct(outFile : File; n: CARDINAL; w: CARDINAL);
        (* Precondition  : n and w are defined.
           Postcondition : The value of n is written to the output stream
                           occupying at least w character positions. Leading
                           blanks fill out the space if it is not all required.
                           The octal number system is used.  *)

        PROCEDURE WriteHex(outFile : File; n: CARDINAL; w: CARDINAL);
        (* Precondition  : n and w are defined.
           Postcondition : The value of n is written to the output stream
                           occupying at least w character positions. Leading
                           blanks fill out the space if it is not all required.
                           The hexadecimal number system is used.  *)
END TextInOut.