Softpanorama: (slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society: Modula 2 Links. Modula-2: "Listed on this page are compilers (with or without a development environment) for the Modula-2 programming language".
Chris Burrows offers some great pages about Modula-2. There are parts of MODUS, the Modula-2 Users Association Newsletter. There also are original compilers by Niklaus Wirth available including sources and much more. He also made X68000 available which is a Modula-2 MC68000 Cross-Assembler: "The April and June 1986 issues of Doctor Dobb's Journal (Vol 11, Issues 4 and 6) described a 68000 Cross-assembler written in Modula-2 by Brian R Anderson. In April 1986 he released a revised version in which all known bugs were fixed and several new features were added."
pdp11 Assembler by J.G.Harston: "This is the PDP-11 assembler I wrote in April 1989 as a 31V4 Programming Systems assignment at Stirling University. It is written in Modula-2 and assembles a subset of instructions and all addressing modes as detailed in the assignment specification and user guide."
Jos Dreesen developed Emulith (Emulith is a registerlevel simulation, in C, of the ETH Lilith Modula2 computer) and offers the entire source code of the software for the Lilith there including the Medos operating system.
Martin Brown offers "useful bits and bobs mostly related to JPI/TopSpeed Modula2".
Pat Terry has a collection of material related to Modula-2 available. Some really interesting things and thaughts. Some of the links are broken, but the page is worth a visit (Note the "song" Ten little Modulans).
VUB Parallel Computing Laboratory at the University of Brussels offers a good modula-2 page. Syntax reference, help on XDS and lots of other interesting papers. Also 3 demo-games with complete sourcecode.
A lexer for Modula-2 written in Python.
SIM. The program "tests lexical similarity in texts in C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp, Miranda, and natural language. It is used to detect potentially duplicated code fragments in large software projects, in program text, in shell scripts and in documentation to detect plagiarism in software projects, educational and otherwise." Available as C sources and as MSDOS binaries.
Coco/R: "A LL(1) compiler generator which generates parsers and scanners in Modula-2. Includes full source code." The version for Modula-2 was made available by Pat Terry.
[DISAPPEARED?] Kronos Research Group: Kronos seems to be an equivalent to Wirth's Lilith-Workstation from the Soviet Union. You can download a Windows-NT-emulator of Kronos there.
GRAS: "A Graph-Oriented Database System for SE Applications. The system GRAS with interfaces for the programming languages Modula-2 and C is available as public domain software for Sun3/Sun4 workstations (the GRAS system itself is implemented in Modula-2 and consists of many layers which might be reusable for the implementation of other systems)".
[DISAPPEARED?] WASP: "Static error checker Wasp employs powerful data flow analysis to detect subtle run-time errors and weak points in Java, Modula-2, and Oberon-2 programs. Wasp also produces detailed and precise method call graph. You are welcome to download a free Lite version of Wasp." The original website is offline since 2012, don't download from, this is a malware site. Try to use your favorite search-engine to find more info about the program.
A Resource Mover in Modula-2 for Macintosh-compilers.
You may find the following links related to GNU Modula-2 useful as the URLs are a bit hard to find from the GNU Modula-2 homepage:
GNU Modula-2 as a cross compiler for the SA1110 arm processor (iPAQ H3850).
This page briefly describes how GNU Modula-2 can be used to produce ATMega8 binaries.
GM2 x MinGW
This page provides a script which builds the binutils, gcc and Modula-2 compilers from source for the purpose of cross compiling to the Windows platform.
Modula-2 running on bare metal on the Raspberry Pi-4. Instructions, links, information.
A new Modula-2 mode for emacs: If you want a new Modula-2 mode for emacs this might be worthing exploring.
Using GNU Automake with gm2: An example project to get you going.
Spanish Pages:
Pages of Nacho Cabanes: Section on Modula-2, links for downloading FST and tutorials - Mr. Cabanes converted the Coronado-Tutorial to one big HTML-file and wrote a short introduction to Modula-2 called Introduccion a Modula-2 para Pascal.
Users of FST Modula-2 may be interested in - there you can find a basic Windows-IDE for the compiler. It's only available in Spanish.
German Pages:
Prof. Dr. Theo Härder is really kind to share an impressive (250+ pages) script/book on data structures in Modula-2 (.pdf). You may download the file from his personal homepage at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.
An introduction to informatics by Hans-Jürgen Appelrath und Jochen Ludewig called Skriptum Informatik is available. Very good stuff! Thanks for keeping it available.
Verena is a library for dealing with probability distributions. The handbook for the library is available from the given page at Bonn University, you may want to ask for distribution of the library there. The authors emphasize they are willing to share their work.
Two articles by Eckart Winkler are available from the authors homepage. Nice to have them available again. Topics are coroutines and procedural types.
Swedish Pages:
Modula-2, kompilatorer: Information about some Modula-2 compilers.