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Utility libraries

Starting from XDS v2.0 the general purpose modules used in XDS compilers and utilities, which are portable between all versions of XDS on all platforms, are included in the utility library. If you use the ISO library only, your program may be portable to any ISO compliant Modula-2 compiler. However, there are some essential features which are omitted in the ISO library. The utility library covers some of those omissions.

Note: Some library modules are written in Oberon-2, others in Modula-2. In general, any library can be used from both languages. However, do not forget that Oberon modules use implicit memory deallocation scheme and require garbage collection. Refer to the Multilangauge programming Chapter of the XDS User’s Guide.

The following modules are provided in the utility library (implementation language is pointed out in parentheses):

FileName (M2) Creating and parsing file names
FileSys (M2) Common file operations
FormOut (M2) Generic module for formatting output
FormStr (M2) Formatting output to strings
Printf (M2) C style formatting output precedures
ProgEnv (M2) Access to program environment
TimeConv (M2) Operations on time and date values
DStrings (O2) Dynamic strings
FilePath (O2) File search operations
RegComp (O2) Regular expressions

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FileName module

The module provides operations for parsing and constructing file names. A file name consists of three parts: the directory, name and extension.

All the procedures that construct a string value (Get, GetDir, GetName, GetExt, Convert, Create), have the common behaviour: if the length of a constructed string value exceeds capacity of a variable parameter, a truncated value is assigned. If the length of a constructed string value is less than the capacity of a variable parameter, a string terminator is appended.

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Format - File name format record

  Format = RECORD
    ok: BOOLEAN;
    (* directory position and length: *)
    dirPos, dirLen : CARDINAL;
    (* name position and length: *)
    namePos,nameLen: CARDINAL;
    (* extension position and length: *)
    extPos, extLen : CARDINAL;

Module FileName

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GetFormat - Get file name format

PROCEDURE GetFormat(str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR f: Format);

Module FileName

The GetFormat procedure writes the position and length of file name parts to a Format type record passed in f. If f.ok = FALSE, vaues of all other fields are undefined.

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Get* - Get file name parts

                VAR dir: ARRAY OF CHAR);
               VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR);
                VAR ext: ARRAY OF CHAR);
   VAR dir,name,ext: ARRAY OF CHAR);

Module FileName

These procedures return corresponding file name parts.

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Convert - Convert String to File Name

            VAR fname: ARRAY OF CHAR);

Module FileName

Converts a string to a file name according to the conventions of the underlying file system.

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ConvertExt - Convert File Name Extension


Module FileName

Converts an extension according to the conventions of the underlying file system.

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Length - Calculate File Name Length


Module FileName

Using the lengths of the directory, name and extension returns an estimated file name length which is greater than or equal to the length of the name generated by the Create procedure call.

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Create - Create File Name

PROCEDURE Create(dir,name,ext: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                    VAR fname: ARRAY OF CHAR);

Module FileName

Creates a file name from its parts.

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The following procedure can be used to change file name extension:

                       newext: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  CONST Len = 64;
    dir,name: ARRAY [0..Len-1] OF CHAR;
    f: FileName.Format;
    len: CARDINAL;
  IF NOT f.ok THEN Error("wrong format")
  ELSIF (f.dirLen > Len) OR (f.nameLen > Len) THEN
    Error("too long part");
    IF len-1 > HIGH(fname) THEN
      Error("cannot create file name")
END ChangeExt;

When programming in Oberon-2 dynamic strings can be used to create strings of a required length:

                       newext: ARRAY OF CHAR);
    dir,name: DStrings.String;
    f: FileName.Format;
  IF NOT f.ok THEN Error("wrong format")
END ChangeExt;

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FileSys module

The module provides file common operations.

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Exists - Is File Exist


Module FileSys

Returns TRUE, if file fname exists.

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ModifyTime - Return Modify Time

                  VAR time: LONGCARD;
                VAR exists: BOOLEAN);

Module FileSys

Returns a file modification time; time is valid only if exists=TRUE.

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Rename - Rename File

PROCEDURE Rename(fname,newname: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                      VAR done: BOOLEAN);

Module FileSys

Renames the file fname to newname.

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Remove - Remove File

              VAR done: BOOLEAN);

Module FileSys

Removes a file.

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FormOut module

The FormOut module implements a generic formatted output procedure which outputs its arguments according to the format parameter. The syntax of a format string is similar to one used by the printf family of C functions; some useful extensions are provided as well.

  Format = { character | Specifier }.
  Specifier = "%" Modifier Width
            [ "." Precision [ "." Start ] ] Base.
  Modifier = "+" | "-" | "|" | "0" | "$" | "#".
  Width = [ unsigned number | "*" ].
  Precision = [ unsigned number | "*" ].
  Start = [ unsigned number | "*" ].
  Base = "c" | "d" | "i" | "u" | "o" | "x" | "X" |
         "e" | "f" | "g" |
         "s" | "{}"

The following pairs of symbols starting from the backslash are recognized in Format string (but not in strings printed using "%s" specifier):

Input Output
\n the line separator
\r CR (15C)
\f FF (14C)
\t TAB (11C)
\\ backslash

Base characters and their meanings are listed in the following table:

Base Argument Output format
c CHAR single character
d, i integer signed decimal integer
u integer unsigned decimal integer
o integer unsigned octal integer
X, x integer unsigned hexadecimal integer
E, e real floating-point real
f, real fixed-point real
G, g real either as "f" or "e"
s string string
{} BITSET bitset, e.g. {1,3..5}

Modifier meanings are as follows:

Modifier Meaning Default
"+" always print a sign for numbers only for negative
"-" justify the result to the left right-justify
"|" center the result  
"0" print leading zeroes for numbers spaces
"$" the same as "0"  
"#" print a base character ("H" or "B") no base character
  for "o", "x" and "X" bases only  

Width is used to specify the minimum number of characters in the output value. Shorter values are padded with blanks or zeroes to the left and/or to the right, depending on whether a "-", "|", "0", or "$" modifier is present. Specifying Width never causes longer values to be truncated; if it is not given or is less than the number of characters in the output value, all characters will be output. In some cases, Precision may be used for truncation.

If Width is set to an asterisk ("*"), its actual value will be retrieved from the argument list. It has to be specified before the value being formatted.

Precision specifies the number of characters to output or the number of decimal places. Unlike Width, it may cause the output value to be truncated or rounded.

If Precision is set to an asterisk ("*"), its actual value will be taken from the argument list. It has to be specified before the value being formatted, but after the actual value for Width, if the latter is also set to "*".

Precision value is interpreted depending upon the Base, and specifies:

i d u o x X

The minimum number of digits to output. Shorter values are padded on the left with blanks; longer values are not truncated. Default is 1.
f F e E

The number of positions after the decimal point. The last digit output is rounded. If Precision is 0, decimal point is not printed. Default is 6.
g G

The maximum number of significant digits to output. By default, all significant digits are printed.

The number of times the character is to output, default is 1.

The maximum number of characters to output. By default, characters are output until 0C is reached.

Has no effect.

Start may be used with the "s" (string) base only and specifies an initial offset in the string being formatted. If Start is set to an asterisk ("*"), the actual value will be taken from the argument list. It has to be specified before the value being formatted, but after the actual values for Width and/or Precision, if either of them is also set to "*".


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writeProc - Write Procedure Type

  writeProc = PROCEDURE(
                (*handle:*) SYSTEM.ADDRESS,
                (*string:*) ARRAY OF CHAR,
                (*length:*) INTEGER

Module FormOut

A procedure of this type is passed to the format procedure which uses that procedure to perform output.

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format - Generic Formatting Procedure

                 write  : writeProc;
                 fmt    : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                 linesep: CHAR;
                 args   : SYSTEM.ADDRESS;
                 size   : CARDINAL);

Module FormOut

The format procedure forms a string and outputs it via the write procedure parameter. The handle parameter is passed to the procedure write and provides a useful method to pass any information between the caller and the write procedure (e.g. output channel or something like it). The (args, size) pair denotes the address and size of the parameter block. The linesep parameter determines the line separator character sequence corresponding to "\n". Several standard values of the parameter are defined in the definition module:

default default line separator for binary files
text default line separator for text files
crlf CR LF character sequence

If the linesep is not equal to any of the values above, its value will be used as a line separator.

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LineSeparator - Set Line Separator


Module FormOut

Sets the default line separator for binary files. The correct value for the given platform is set in the module initializaion.

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TextSeparator - Set Line Separator


Module FormOut

Sets the default line separator for text files. The correct value for the given platform is set in the module initializaion.

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The following example shows the implementation of a procedure which produces a format output to an ISO channel.

                    str: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                    len: INTEGER);
  VAR chan: IOChan.ChanId; pos: INTEGER;
  WHILE len > 0 DO
    IF str[pos] = ASCII.LF THEN IOChan.WriteLn
    ELSE IOChan.TextWrite(chan,SYSTEM.ADR(str[pos]),1)
    INC(pos); DEC(len);
END ChanWrite;

PROCEDURE Print(chan: IOChan.ChanId;
              format: ARRAY OF CHAR;
            SEQ args: SYSTEM.BYTE);
END Print;

The procedure printf prints to the standard output channel:

END printf;

The procedure printf can be used in the conventional for C programmers way, e.g. the call

  printf("%d! = %d\n",5,Factorial(5));

will produce the line  /Provided that the implementation of the procedure Factorial corresponds to its name./

  5! = 120

The Printf module implements C-like procedures printf, sprintf, and fprintf.

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Call Output
printf("%5.3s","abcdef")   abc
printf("%-5.3s","abcdef") abc  
printf("%|5.3s","abcdef")  abc 
printf("%..3s","abcdef") def
printf("pos=%3d",13) pos= 13
printf("%$3o",13) 015
printf("%04X",33C) 001B
printf("%{}",13) {0,2..3}

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FormStr module


Language extensions are used in the interface of this module.
All your modules importing this one may be non-portable to other compilers.

A string is an array of characters of an arbitrary length. The procedures print, append and image guarantee the presence of the string terminator (0C) in the resulting string. See the FormOut module overview for the format string syntax.

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print - Print to string

                 format: ARRAY OF CHAR;
               SEQ args: SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module FormStr

Constructs a string specified by the pair (format,args) and places it into str.

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append - Append to the end of string

                   format: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                 SEQ args: SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module FormStr

Appends a string specified by the pair (format,args) to the end of the string str.

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image - Print from the given position

                 VAR pos: LONGINT;
                  format: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                SEQ args: SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module FormStr

Places a string specified by the pair (format,args) in the string str starting from the position pos. After the procedure call, pos points to the 0C or to the position next to the end of the string.

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iscan - Read integer in Modula-2 format

                     str: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                 VAR pos: CARDINAL;
                VAR done: BOOLEAN);

Module FormStr

Reads an integer value from the string str starting from the position pos. After the procedure call:

becomes TRUE, if the attempt was successful;
is the index of the first not scanned character;
is the read value when done=TRUE.

The number may be represented in any form permitted in Modula-2. In case of an integer overflow done=FALSE.

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Printf module

The Printf module provides C-like formatted output procedures fprintf, printf, and sprintf,

This module is based on the FormOut module and is provided for convenience.

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ChanId - I/O channel identity

TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId;

The type IOChan.ChanId, which is used in ISO Modula-2 library to identify I/O channels, is reexported.

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fprintf - Write formatted data to channel

PROCEDURE fprintf(file     : ChanId;
                  format   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                  SEQ args : SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module Printf

The procedure fprintf formats and outputs a series of characters and values to the channel identified by file. Each argument in args is converted and written to file according to the corresponding format specification in format.

See FormOut module for a description of the format specification and the argument list.

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printf - Print formatted data

PROCEDURE printf(format   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                 SEQ args : SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module Printf

The procedure printf formats and outputs a series of characters and values to the current standard output channel. Each argument in args is converted and written to the standard output according to the corresponding format specification in format.

See FormOut module for a description of the format specification and the argument list.

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sprintf - Put formatted data to buffer

                  format   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                  SEQ args : SYSTEM.BYTE);

Module Printf

The procedure sprintf formats and stores a series of characters and values in the array buf. Each argument in args is converted and put out according to the corresponding format specification in format.

See FormOut module for a description of the format specification and the argument list.

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ProgEnv module

The ProgEnv module provides access to the program name, arguments, and environment strings.

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ArgNumber - Return the number of arguments


Module ProgEnv

Returns the number of arguments (0 if there is no arguments).

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GetArg - Get argument


Module ProgEnv

Copies n-th argument (n >= 0) to arg, or empties it if n >= ArgNumber().

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ArgLength - Return length of argument


Module ProgEnv

Returns the length of the n-th argument, or 0 if n>=ArgNumber().

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ProgramName - Get program name


Module ProgEnv

Copies a program name to name.

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ProgramNameLength - Length of program name

PROCEDURE ProgramNameLength(): CARDINAL;

Module ProgEnv

Returns the length of the program name.

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String - Get environment string

              VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);

Module ProgEnv

Copies a value of the environment variable name to str (empty string if the variable is undefined).

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StringLength - Return environment string length


Module ProgEnv

Returns the length of the environment variable name (0 if the variable is undefined).

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The following procedure (in Oberon-2) prints all program arguments:

    i,args: LONGINT;
  FOR i:=0 TO args-1 DO
    STextIO.WriteString(str^); STextIO.WriteLn;
END ShowArgs;

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TimeConv module

The Modula-2 module TimeConv provides operations on values of type SysClock.DateTime.

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DateTime - Date and Time Type

TYPE DateTime = SysClock.DateTime;

Module TimeConv

The SysClock.DateTime type is re-exported for convenience.

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Compare - Compare two clock values

PROCEDURE Compare(dl,dr: DateTime): INTEGER;

Module TimeConv

The function procedure Compare returns:

Note: If either dl or dr is invalid, zero is returned.

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SubDateDays - Date difference in days

PROCEDURE SubDateDays(dl,dr: DateTime): CARDINAL;

Module TimeConv

The function procedure SubDateDays returns the number of days passed from dr to dl.

Note: If one of the parameters is invalid or if dl is before dr, zero is returned.

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SubDateSecs - Time difference in seconds

PROCEDURE SubDateSecs(dl,dr: DateTime): CARDINAL;

Module TimeConv

The function procedure SubDateSecs returns the number of seconds passed from dr to dl.

Note: If one of the parameters is invalid or if dl is before dr, zero is returned.

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AddDateDays - Add whole number of days to date

PROCEDURE AddDateDays(d: DateTime;
                      days: CARDINAL;
                      VAR res: DateTime);

Module TimeConv

The procedure AddDateDays adds days days to date d and assigns the resulting date to res.

Note: If "d" is invalid, "res" is assigned the first valid date.

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AddDateSecs - Add seconds to date

PROCEDURE AddDateSecs(d: DateTime;
                      secs: CARDINAL;
                      VAR res: DateTime);

Module TimeConv

The procedure AddDateSecs adds secs seconds to date d and assigns the resulting date to res.

Note: If "d" is invalid, "res" is assigned the first valid date.

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TheDayNumber - Ordinal day number

PROCEDURE TheDayNumber(d: DateTime): CARDINAL;

Module TimeConv

The function procedure TheDayNumber returns the ordinal number of the day for the date d.

Note: If d is invalid, zero is returned.

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TheFractionNumber - Number of fractions passed from midnight

PROCEDURE TheFractionNumber(d: DateTime): CARDINAL;

Module TimeConv

The function procedure TheFractionNumber returns the number of fractions passed from time 0:00:00.00 of the day for the date d.

Note: If d is invalid, zero is returned.

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WeekDay - Determine day of the week


Module TimeConv

The function procedure WeekDay returns day of the week for the date d. 0 represents Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc.

Note: If d is invalid, zero is returned.

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millisecs - Milliseconds passed from midnight


Module TimeConv

The function procedure millisecs returns the number of milliseconds passed from the time 0:00:00.00 of current date as known to the system.

Note: This procedure is system-dependent.

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time - System time in seconds


Module TimeConv

The function procedure time returns the number of seconds passed from the time 0:00:00.00 at first valid date for the system.

Note: This procedure is system-dependent.

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unpack - Unpack system time

PROCEDURE unpack(VAR d: DateTime; secs: CARDINAL);

Module TimeConv

The procedure unpack assigns to d the value corresponding to date/time which is secs seconds later than the first valid time/date for the system.

This procedure can be used to examine the first system time/date as follows:


Note: This procedure is system-dependent.

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pack - Pack system time

PROCEDURE pack(d: DateTime; VAR secs: CARDINAL);

Module TimeConv

The procedure pack assigns to secs the number of seconds passed from a first valid system date/time to d. Its effect is opposite to the pack procedure.

Note: This procedure is system-dependent.

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weekday - Determine day of the week for system time


Module TimeConv

The function procedure weekday behaves exactly the same as if it contains the following code:

    unpack(tmpDateTime,t); RETURN WeekDay(tmpDateTime);

Note: This procedure is system-dependent.

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DStrings module

The module DStrings (written in Oberon-2) defines a dynamic string type and provides some conventional operations.

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String - Dynamic String Type


Module DStrings

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Assign - Create and Initialize String

PROCEDURE Assign*(s: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR d: String);

Module DStrings

Allocates a new dynamic string and copies string s to it. The resulting string always contains a terminator character (0C).

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Append - Append to Dynamic String

PROCEDURE Append*(s: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR d: String);

Module DStrings

Appends the string s to d. d is extended if necessary. The resulting string always contains the string terminator (0C).

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FilePath module

The FilePath module (written in Oberon-2) provides directory search facilities. In the following procedures path is a list of directories separated by semicolons, e.g.

  .\SYM;C:\LIB\SYM;C:\XDS\LIB\SYM;.        (Windows)
  ./sym;~/lib/sym;/usr/bin/xds/sym;.       (Unix)

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IsSimpleName - Is just a File Name


Module FilePath

Returns TRUE, if name contains a file name only (without directories).

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Lookup - Look up File

PROCEDURE Lookup*(path,name: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                  VAR fname: DStrings.String;
                  VAR n: INTEGER);

Module FilePath

Builds a filename using the search path. After a call:

n = -1 if name is not simple (fname = name)
n = 0 file is not found (the first directory is used)
n > 0 file is found in the n-th directory

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UseFirst - Use First Directory

PROCEDURE UseFirst*(path,name: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                    VAR fname: DStrings.String);

Module FilePath

Builds a filename using the first directory from the search path.

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RegComp module

This module (written in Oberon-2) implements a comparison of a string with regular expression.

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Regular expressions

A regular expression is a string which may contain certain special symbols:

Sequence Denotes
* an arbitrary sequence of any characters, possibly empty
  (equivalent to {\000-\377} expression)
? any single character
  (equivalent to [\000-\377] expression)
[...] one of the listed characters
{...} an arbitrary sequence of the listed characters, possibly empty
\nnn the ASCII character with octal code nnn, where n is [0-7]
& the logical operation AND
| the logical operation OR
^ the logical operation NOT
(...) the priority of operations
$digit subexpression number (see below)

A sequence of the form a-b used within either [] or {} brackets denotes all characters from a to b.

$digit may follow *, ?, [], {}, or () subexpression. For a string matching a regular expression, it represents the corresponding substring.

If you need to use any special symbol as an ordinary symbol, you should precede it with a backslash (\), which suppresses interpretation of the following symbol.

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Examples of regular expressions

{0-9A-F} defines set of hexadecimal numbers

[a-zA-z_] defines a single small or capital letter or an underscore character.

(({0-9A-Fa-f})$1|({a-zA-Z_})$2))$3 matches both hexadecimal numbers and Modula-2 identifiers. After a successful match, a program may access the hexadecimal number by the $1 reference, the identifier by the $2 reference and either of them by the $3 reference.

\\\$\{\}\[\]\*\? represents the string \${}[]*?.

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Expr - Regular expression

  Expr*    = POINTER TO ExprDesc;
  ExprDesc = RECORD END;

Module RegComp

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Compile - Compile regular expression

                VAR reg: Expr;
                VAR res: LONGINT);

Module RegComp

Compiles a regular expression to an internal form.

Value of res Meaning
res≤0 error in position ABS(res)
res > 0 done

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Const - Is constant expression

PROCEDURE Const*(re: Expr): BOOLEAN;

Module RegComp

Returns TRUE, if the expression does not contain wildcards.

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Match - Compare string with expression

PROCEDURE Match*(re: Expr;
                  s: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                pos: LONGINT): BOOLEAN;

Module RegComp

Returns TRUE, if the expression matches the string s starting from the position pos.

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Len - Length of substring


Module RegComp

Returns the length of the substring which corresponds to $n in the last call of the Match procedure with the parameter re.

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Pos - Position of substring


Module RegComp

Returns the position of the substring which corresponds to $n in the last call of the Match procedure with the parameter re.

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Substitute - Substitute substrings

PROCEDURE Substitute*(re: Expr;
                     s,m: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                   VAR d: ARRAY OF CHAR);

Module RegComp

The substrings of s which matched re are substituted instead of $digit into m and the result string is copied into d.

Note: The Match(re,s,0) call should be issued and tested for success prior to a call to Substitute.

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After the following sequence of calls

  IF Match(re,"abcdef153",0) THEN
    Substitute(re,"abcdef153","tail: $2 head: $1",dest);

the dest string will contain

  "tail: 153 head: abcdef"